The Welcome Mat

As Lead Artist of the Welcome Mat I responded to a request from Anne Newton of the Basket Makers of Victoria to help facilitate the creation of a community artwork. It was made during The Australasian Basketry and Fibre Arts Gathering that was held at the Lady Northcote Camp in Rowsley near Bacchus Marsh in March 2015. The idea of a community artwork for this event was born when a basket maker casually suggested that participants make a small square each to help create a mat. As Lead Artist I named it “the Welcome Mat” and chose the theme of “Belonging” to be associated with the project. I also had the idea that the community of the Moorabool Shire could be involved so that they were aware that a national event was happening in their shire and they were invited to learn some basic basketry skills if they were interested.

As Lead Artist of the Welcome Mat I responded to a request from Anne Newton of the Basket Makers of Victoria to help facilitate the creation of a community artwork. It was made during The Australasian Basketry and Fibre Arts Gathering that was held at the Lady Northcote Camp in Rowsley near Bacchus Marsh in March 2015. The idea of a community artwork for this event was born when a basket maker casually suggested that participants make a small square each to help create a mat. As Lead Artist I named it “the Welcome Mat” and chose the theme of “Belonging” to be associated with the project. I also had the idea that the community of the Moorabool Shire could be involved so that they were aware that a national event was happening in their shire and they were invited to learn some basic basketry skills if they were interested.

The project was made possible when Anne Newton and I applied for and were successful in receiving a Cultural Grant from the Moorabool Shire on behalf of the Moorabool Fibre Artists. We were funded to hold 3 community basketry workshops in January 2015. They were well attended by 45 local residents who came to workshops in Ballan, Bacchus Marsh and Blackwood. Participants created 20cm x 20cm squares using a wide range of basketry techniques with the guidance of Moorabool Fibre Artists and Basket Makers of Victoria who kindly donated their time to tutor at the workshops. The squares made during these workshops were collected and added to the Welcome Mat. Concurrently a callout was made to participants of the National Basket and Fibre Gathering 2015 to be part of the project. Participants bought their readymade squares to the gathering where Isobel Esmore and I curated and managed the cobbling together of 150 squares. Each day generous participants came to help with the enormous task of cobbling 150 squares together. The result was the creation of 6 panels, each one curated with care so that individual squares enhance each other. When the one by one metre panels are displayed together they create a substantial work of art. I organised for the work to be opened and exhibited at the Lerderderg Library where it was on show during October 2015. The successful implementation of this project required working to a timeline as well as an ability to get others on board an initiative so that they enjoy working as a community.

1 FINAL Welcome Mat

The Welcome Mat hanging in its permanent home in the Mollongghip Hall, Regional Victoria

2 WKSHOPS Moorabool Shire

Participants making squares with Jodie Goldring at the Bacchus Marsh Workshop in January 2015.

3 National Gathering

Jodie Goldring and assistant Isobel Esmore getting ready for volunteer s to arrive to help cobble the Welcome Mat together at the National Basket and Fibre Gathering March 2015.

4 National Gathering

A busy day cobbling the Welcome Mat together at the National Basket and Fibre Gathering in 2015.

5 GOLDRING Stitched Square 2014

An individual square for the Welcome Mat by Jodie Goldring, Victoria

6 Elspeth Drury

An individual square for the Welcome Mat by Elspeth Drury, Victoria

7 Jane Henry

An individual square for the Welcome Mat by Jane Henry, Victoria

8 Jilli Spencer

An individual square for the Welcome Mat by Jilli Spencer, Tasmania

9 Therese Flynn-Clarke

An individual square for the Welcome Mat by Therese Flynn-Clarke, Queensland

10 Tim Johnson

An individual square for the Welcome Mat by Tim Johnson, UK

11 Vicki Fowler

An individual square for the Welcome Mat by Vicky Fowler, Victoria

12 Wendy Cawsey

An individual square for the Welcome Mat by Wendy Cawsey Victoria

15 The Welcome Mat 214 The Welcome Mat 1

The Welcome Mat exhibited at the Lerderderg Library in Bacchus Marsh over the month of October 2015.

16 The Welcome Mat 317 The Welcome Mat DETAIL 118 The Welcome Mat DETAIL 2

Details of the Welcome Mat exhibited at the Lerderderg Library in Bacchus Marsh over the month of October 2015.